Nonin 9500 Onyx Finger Pulse Oximeter

Nonin 9500 Onyx Finger Pulse Oximeter

The Original All-in-OneDigital Fingertip PulseOximeter™ The Nonin Onyx® 9500 - world's first self-contained digital fingertip pulse oximeter - incorporates the electronics and the sensor into one unit.

Nonin Medical invented the fingertip pulse oximeter in 1995 with the introduction of the Nonin Onyx® 9500 and continues to be the most trusted name in fingertip oximetry.


The Onyx offers:

Pulse Oximetry at Your Fingertips

The Nonin 9500 is ideal for use in any situation where a fast and accurate reading of blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate is needed. Never search for a pulse oximeter or sensor again. The portability and functionality of the Nonin 9500 makes it a valuable tool in any situation where a fast and accurate reading of blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate is needed.

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